Perhaps “update” is an overly-strong word. How about… um… ‘side-date’. As in there is not a lot of forward-moving news. TWC is not sharing their release strategy at the moment, so we are still waiting for details.

A few things to throw out there, though. A few pictures did come in from the media day at Locarno. Here they are:

Sophia Myles

Sophia Myles

Jack Huston

Jack Huston

Dirk Blackman

Dirk Blackman

Howard McCain

Howard McCain

Also, Sophia Myles did an interview with New York Magazine (nice!) on her new movie Hallam Foe and had a few words to say about Outlander:

Q: And the last movie you did before Moonlight was Outlander, which still hasn’t come out. So…

A: What the fuck, yeah…

A woman of few, but pungent, words. (I kid, Sophia). Obviously there is more, but I thought I’d just link you there so you can see for yourself what she said about Outlander as well as Hallam Foe.


Plus, Empire’s Movie-Con now has some video up of the Q and A Jack Huston and I did in London a few weeks back. I’d’ve stolen a bit but I can’t figure out how. Check it out at:


Fair warning… I didn’t spare the “F-Bombs” in the interview. I guess I thought it was hip. Or I was nervous. Or nervously hip.

And finally, a Q and A with Mark O’Connell of Film-Reviews.net at:


So in closing, I invite any and all of you to let TWC know that if we don’t get a glorious release for Outlander, you’re all going to give Inglorious Bastards a miss.

5 Responses to “OUTLANDER UPDATE”

  1. Hey Dirk! Thanks for the links. The interviews are great. I have the empire video so I can either send it to you somehow or put it up for you to download. I’ll probably be putting up a note about them on solsector later tonight.

    I really wish the Weinsteins would let everyone know what’s up… But on the bright side both the Amazon and Movies unlimited entries have been taken down. Doesn’t mean people arent still repeating the DTV stuff unfortunately.

  2. I’d love to send the Weinsteins my opinion, but their website doesn’t provide much of a way of doing that. Do you have any recommendations?

  3. Yeah, I think there’s a contact link on the promo materials page but you need a press log-in ID to actually have access to the link. I haven’t figured out how you actually go about contacting them for a press log-in though. (there is a snail-mail address on the privacy policy page).

  4. Inglorious Bastards? Never heard of it. 😉

  5. The MPAA finally gave Outlander it’s R rating… but it seems to have been submited to the board by Genius Products… 😦

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